
4 ways Tradesmen can Deal with Complaints

As a tradesman you will always try to satisfy your customers with your work, however there are times where there will be misunderstandings which could lead to complaint or even arguments between you and your employer. The fact of the matter is that eventually nearly all tradesmen will have to deal with a complaint in some form or another, which means it’s essential that you know how to deal with them properly. Here, we look at some of the most common reasons that complaints occur for tradesmen and how you can deal with them in the appropriate manner: Continue reading “4 ways Tradesmen can Deal with Complaints”

Construction industry to improve over next 4 years

Since the recession began a large percentage of tradesmen have found it increasingly difficult to find work, mainly due to the fact that both the government and the public have been spending less money on construction projects. However, even though Britain – as well as numerous other countries worldwide – is going through a recession, at the same time the country’s population has increased at an outstanding rate. Both these events have had a hand in causing the current housing crisis – a lack of affordable housing for the amount of people living in the UK. Continue reading “Construction industry to improve over next 4 years”

Win a Snuggie with Nova Insurance!

Winter is officially on its way, and already there is a definite chill in the air, which is why we are giving away an original Snuggie to one lucky winner on Twitter! Whether you are a tradesmen, beautician or salon owner we can guarantee that you will love coming home and wrapping up in your Snuggie after a hard day’s work. Continue reading “Win a Snuggie with Nova Insurance!”

4 Steps for Starting your own Tradesman Business

There are a considerable amount of people who have said to themselves at one point or another that they should get into the trade business. These people seem to have a natural talent for manual skills, yet have not put them to good use as they think that starting their own business would be too difficult. This is not the case however, in fact starting up your own tradesman business can be relatively simple as long as you have a plan! So here we look at the first few steps you can take to begin your new career: Continue reading “4 Steps for Starting your own Tradesman Business”

Win a Flip Alarm Clock with Nova Insurance!

If you are a tradesmen, beautician, or own your own shop then you will know how important it is to always be on time. However, now that it’s starting to get darker getting up in the morning is becoming that much harder! This is why Nova Insurance is giving away a flip alarm clock to help you get out of bed each morning in style. Continue reading “Win a Flip Alarm Clock with Nova Insurance!”

3 ways Tradesmen can Advertise their Services

Being a skilled tradesman doesn’t mean you are guaranteed to get work; in fact more and more young people are now choosing to take up vocational courses instead of going to university which means competition is getting even fiercer. In order to stay ahead of the pack it’s therefore essential for all tradesmen to actively advertise their services and build up their reputation. While this may sound difficult and time consuming at first, Nova Insurance has three simple tips that every tradesman can use: Continue reading “3 ways Tradesmen can Advertise their Services”

Report shows Tradesmen Work the Longest Hours

It was a well known fact that if you were a banker you were among those who had some of the longest working hours in the country. However, a new report published by Screwfix shows that  tradesmen now actually have more hours than bankers, lawyers and doctors.

Continue reading “Report shows Tradesmen Work the Longest Hours”

Win a Freeze & Go Lunch Bag AND a Bobble Hot Water Bottle!

Here at Nova Insurance we know that tradesmen, beauticians and shop owners often have to eat on the go, which usually means a soggy sandwich or a less than ripe salad. Well not anymore, as we are giving away a Freeze & Go Lunch Bag that will keep your lunch cool for up to 10 hours! Continue reading “Win a Freeze & Go Lunch Bag AND a Bobble Hot Water Bottle!”

4 things Tradesmen need to know about Health and Safety

The government’s health and safety laws don’t always have the best reputation as many people are concerned that certain laws are putting too much red tape around the construction industry.  However, health and safety laws are actually there to protect both employers and employees, and can not only save lives but also businesses.  We have all seen an increase in the number of personal accident solicitor adverts on television and radio recently, which is why all tradesmen need to take health and safety laws seriously… Continue reading “4 things Tradesmen need to know about Health and Safety”

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