
How To Keep Cool When Working Outdoors In Hot Weather This Summer

As spring turns to summer and the weather starts to get warmer, the chances of getting heat waves increases. The risk of having heat-related problems also increases, so if you are working outdoors it’s important to take extra care. The main threats you face are from the excessive heat and the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Working in hot weather can quickly lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, as well as heat stroke. Also, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause damage to your skin, eyes, and hair. The hot weather has the potential reduce your overall performance and productivity at work, and in some extreme cases, it can also affect your equipment.

Here are few simple things a tradesman can do to stay safe and cool when working outside in hot weather this summer:

1. Stay Hydrated:

As dehydration is one of the main risks associated with working outdoors in hot weather, you need to make sure you are taking on plenty of fluids. To stay hydrated, you need to drink plenty of extra water through the day to compensate for the extra water loss from sweating.

As much as possible, water should be chilled so it can help keep your body cool as well as quench your thirst. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink, because it is usually too late. The most effective way is to keep taking regular water breaks.


2. Wear The Right Clothing:

To begin with, you can protect your skin from the effects of the sun with a good sunscreen. Take care to apply lots of it before you start working outdoors.

Having the right clothing can go also go a long way to help beat the heat and keep you protected from the sun. Try to wear clothing that is light and allows plenty of ventilation for your body. However, make sure that it also provides the required level of safety from the usual workplace hazards.

Wearing a hat with a wide brim can also offer added protection for your face and neck. If your trade allows it, it’s a good idea to wear 100% UVA and UVB sunglasses to help protect your eyes from the suns rays.


3. Reschedule Your Day:

If at all possible the best thing to do to avoid any heat-related problems, is to schedule your day around the sun. You can do this by doing any of your outdoor work when it is cooler in the day, like the morning and late afternoons.

Try to work indoors or shaded areas when the sun is hottest, which is usually between 11:30 am and 3 pm. If you can’t rearrange your timetable and you must work in the heat during those times, try to cover the work area to provide shade. If that is not possible either, then make sure you take lots of frequent breaks in the shade.


Implementing these 3 simple strategies should keep you from overheating while you work in the sunshine. Remember that failure to plan for working in hot weather can lead to a host of heat-related problems. To reduce the chances of that happening, what you need is to work out ahead of time, the specific risks you may face while working outdoors. Then put together a series of steps to address them. You also need to educate yourself and any employees about the symptoms of heat-related problems, so you can recognise them before they become more severe.

It is often said that prevention is better than cure, so go ahead and put together a plan that will keep you safe and cool when working outside during the warmer summer months.



Should A Tradesman Hire An Apprentice?

Traditionally apprenticeships were the norm for hiring tradesmen. Currently, many tradesmen choose to hire an apprentice as a way to fill the skills gap that exists in the construction industry. Also, there are more and more people choosing to become apprentices in a particular trade instead of going to university.

Here’s a quick look at what it entails, and why many businesses are also choosing to take this route.


What Is It?

An apprenticeship is a government created work and study programme to help employers get skilled staff. It allows participants the opportunity to gain a recognized qualification and relevant work experience while earning a salary. They can be either a new or current employee but they must be over the age of 16.

There are currently 4 types of apprenticeships available. There is the intermediate level, then the Advanced level, then the higher level, and finally the degree level. Apprenticeship can last between 1 and 5 years depending on the level of qualification.


What Are The Pros and Cons?

As with any business decision, hiring an apprentice as a tradesman has both advantages and disadvantages, here’s a quick look at a few of them.



  • They are hard working and productive.

  • They tend to be long-term employees. You have a motivated and dedicated employee that has decided to take this specific route, which will mean they are less likely to leave.

  • Hiring apprentices can be a cheaper and lower risk way of hiring staff.

  • The government offers plenty of support, both financial and nonfinancial

  • You can train them the specific way you require.

  • It allows you to build a workforce with industry-relevant skills and qualifications at a lower cost than usual.

  • You are giving someone an opportunity.



  • It can be time-consuming. Due to their lack of experience, they often require close mentorship throughout the whole process.

  • You must commit to it for a minimum of 1 year, but depending on the level it can be up to 5 years.

  • There is both an initial cost and an ongoing one for taking on an apprentice.

  • There is the risk of them not liking the programme and deciding to drop out before the allotted time period.


How Do You Do It?

Before you hire an apprentice your business must be sure that your business is in a good position to take on another member of staff. It can be a good idea to seek both financial and legal advice to make sure you’re ready.

Once you know you are ready to hire an apprentice, then here are a few of the steps to take:


First of all, you need to choose the right apprenticeship framework for your industry and the type of apprenticeship. Then you need to find an organization that offers training to your chosen frameworks standard.


Next, you should check what government funding is available to help towards the cost of training and assessing the apprentice. Once this is done you can then advertise your apprenticeship. Then select your chosen candidate, get them to sign the necessary agreements and then they can begin.

If you don’t want to run the apprenticeship scheme, there is the option of using an apprenticeship training agency to do it for you.


For the majority of tradesmen taking on an apprentice turns out to be a good decision. However, it is important that it is done at the right time because your business has to be ready to handle the commitments that come with it. It is a good idea is to ask other tradesmen that have already hired an apprentice for feedback about it before doing it.


How Tradesmen Can Keep Safe and Warm During Winter


Now that we have said goodbye to autumn and winter has started. The days can be bitterly cold and windy, with an added problem of rain, snow or ice. Working outside during winter is extremely challenging, so it is important to put measures in place that will ensure you stay safe and warm during this period. This way you can continue to be productive at work despite the many challenges that winter weather brings.

Here are 3 tips to help you stay safe and warm during the winter months:


Invest In Some Specialist Winter Work Wear

To avoid conditions such as frostbite or hypothermia, it is essential that you invest in some specialist winter work wear. The best option to keep warm is to go for 3 loose-fitting layers rather than one or two bulky items. The loose layers help retain heat better and if you get too hot, you can take off some layers to stay comfortable. Your clothes should be both waterproof and thermal, for the first layer try to find fabric that wicks away sweat from your skin and dries quickly, avoid fabrics like cotton and look for wool or synthetic based clothing instead.

Good old fashion long Johns can be a tradesman’s best friend in the winter, so invest in some. Proper gloves are very important as you will often be handling very cold equipment and materials, such as metal. Your gloves should be light enough to allow you to work, but should still offer excellent protection from the elements. About 30- 50% of body heat is lost via the head, so don’t forget your hat. Find a thermal liner for your hard hat, including a balaclava and scarf for your face and neck.

The weather can lead to some hazardous conditions on site, making it easier to slip and fall. Having the right footwear for winter weather can go a long way in preventing such accidents, so too will a bit of extra care when walking around on site.


Eat A Healthy Diet

More than ever it is important to eat a healthy diet, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables during the winter months, so as to provide you with the nutrients your body needs to boost your immune system and so protect you from catching a cold or worse, the flu. Make sure to invest in a Thermos flask, so you can always have a hot slightly sweet drink with you such as tea or hot chocolate to warm up your system. It is important to stay hydrated as the cold weather can dehydrate you quickly, so too can alcohol and caffeine.


Take Frequent Breaks From Working Outside

Take frequent breaks from working outside to go indoors so you can warm up and dry off. Learn to be vigilant for the signs of hypothermia, such as uncontrollable shivering and slurred speech, and if you or any of your colleagues have these symptoms, get help immediately. If at all possible, try to do outdoor work during the day when it is light, and indoor work in the mornings and evenings when there isn’t much light outdoors.

Since there is little you can do to control the weather, if you have to work outdoors in winter, the only option is to be adequately prepared.


By following a few simple steps, you can stay safe and warm while on site throughout the winter period. On days when the weather is really bad, just take a break, it is better to be safe than sorry. Use the time to work on other areas of your business, such as your marketing, finance or any administrative tasks you have been putting off doing.



How Technology Can Increase Your Productivity as a Tradesman


By now most tradesmen will be familiar with the use of technology at home, but not as many take advantage of it at work. You can use your phone or tablet to automate routine tasks so as to save you valuable time and energy throughout your working day. By making full use of the technology available today, your work days can become more productive.

Here are some of the reasons why tradesmen should consider using technology at work:


It Can Save You Time:

You can use your phone to search for and buy any equipment or materials you need for a job, on the spot. The alternative would be to physically go shopping for the goods, which can take up valuable time. You can also make and take payments on the go, as well as create bids and estimates for new work in a short space of time.

Project management software can be used to help you plan and complete large jobs on time. On a smaller scale, a daily task manager and timer can help you stay focused on the most important tasks for the day.


It Can Save You Money:

With your phone or tablet you can use price comparison sites to get the best prices for purchases, as well as checking for any special deal or discount coupons.


It Can Bring In New Opportunities:

Having an online presence such as your own website can lead to more jobs for your business and increase awareness of your brand. Also, you can use social media channels to interact with your target market whenever you choose for free. In addition to that tradesmen can also use apps to find work.


It Can Help You Solve Problems:

If you run into a problem on site that requires you to seek advice, you can easily go online and check to see if others have had similar problems and what their solutions were. If that is not enough, you can reach out to experts in your field.

You don’t have to carry lots of paperwork, you can store any information such as plans drawing contracts, quotations in the cloud, and access them when you are on site. You can also check for equipment manuals and other relevant data you might need.


Manage Your Business:

Technology can be a great help in the daily running of your business. With smart phones, you can communicate with clients and colleagues on the go via email, or one of the many internet call services. Using accounting apps or software on your smart device, you can do your all your bookkeeping including your budgeting, as well as keeping track of your daily expenses, and calculating vat and taxes.

It is also easy to send estimates and invoices in a timely a professional manner. With your camera on your smart phone, you can take photos of work on site either as proof of progress or for your portfolio of work. You can also store ideas any that come to you throughout the day with voice recorders that can transcribe to notes.


The smart phone or tablet can be used as your digital personal assistant, simplifying your day to day tasks with the use of software and applications. Many of the apps required are free, and they can be downloaded, installed and put to use in minutes.

There are many ways you can use technology to make your job easier, so go ahead and choose a piece of software or an app, give it a try and enjoy the benefits. Remember to do some research into each software or application you plan to use, as well as staying safe online.



Keeping Business Records For The Self Employed


What Are Records? 

A business record is any digital or paper document that records a transaction or process that the business has been involved in. For someone who is registered self-employed, there are three types of records that you will deal with regularly, they are accounting, legal, and insurance.  

Why Keep Records? 

To begin with, you have to keep adequate records in order to remain compliant with the rules of being registered self-employed. Failing to do so could result in fines and penalties. Another good reason is that you can file your annual returns quickly and accurately before their deadlines.


By being prepared, if you are ever audited or investigated by HMRC you will have all the required information to hand. Finally, by keeping good records you will have all the necessary information you need to make important decisions for your business, for example if you need a loan, having proper records shows potential investors you are serious. 

What Records DYou Need To Keep? 

  1. Accounting: statements, invoices, receipts

By keeping good accounting records, you can keep track of how money is moving in and out of your business. You are required to keep all your invoices and receipts, as well as all your relevant bank statements. The same goes for any payment slips and chequebook stubs.  

  1. Legal: certificates, contracts, permits and licenses.

It is important that you have copies of all the documents that prove you are registered as self-employed. All of your qualification related certificates must be kept as proof of your training and experience. Details of any contracts that you have signed, should also be kept for future reference. It is a good idea to have up-to date original copies of any permits and licenses, as these will allow you to show you are fully compliant with any regulations in your industry.  

  1. Insurance: policies

Many self-employed people have some for business related insurance. All of your policy statements and renewal documents should be kept in good order, just in case you need to make any insurance related queries or file for a claim.  

How Long DYou Need To Keep Them For? 

Currently you are required to keep all your business records for a minimum of 5 years from the 31st of January of the relevant tax year. However, in most self-employed people tend keep their records indefinitely, choosing to store them when they are past the six-year mark. This is a good idea, because if you are part of an investigation by HMRC, that 5-year time limit maybe longer. 

How and When To Keep Records? 

Even though it may seem daunting at first, keeping proper records doesn’t have to be a chore, all you need is to develop a simple system that you can follow. Start by making a check-list of record keeping tasks that you need to do on a daily weekly and monthly basis. By doing a bit of organisation regularly, you can stay on top of things. This way you will find it much easier when it’s time for to use your business records.  

Nowadays with the added help of technology, you can make the record keeping process relatively stress free, and there are many resources both free and paid that are available to help. It can be helpful to keep both digital and physical copies of all your documents, this way you can have access to the digital copies when you are away from your office. The added benefit is that you have some form of backup should you lose all your physical records. 




Healthy Eating For Tradesmen

The job of a tradesman is a physically demanding one. Most have early starts and the days are long, with the average being between anywhere from ten to twelve hours. Majority of the day is spent on your feet, carrying building materials around, coupled with that you are often working outside facing the elements. With all this in mind, it comes as no surprise that eating properly during the working day can be a challenge.

Here are some of the common problems tradesmen face when it comes to healthy eating.


Problem 1: Too busy, so don’t have time to eat

In a typical workday there are lots of tasks to be done. Very often things don’t go as planned on site, something might come up which needs your urgent attention, and so you end up skipping lunch and not taking any breaks. You often find that the day goes by and you haven’t had time to eat.


Problem 2: Making unhealthy choices

You don’t have time to go and shop for lunch, so you have to eat what is available on site, even if the choices might not always be the healthiest.


Problem 3: No food on site

You are on a site that has no food, and there is nothing near by.


To function properly on site, you to have eat well in order to fuel the body with enough energy for the day. Not getting enough food will mean you are more likely to get tired later in the day, which can affect your concentration levels. So here are a few things you can do to improve your eating habits while working as a tradesman.


Solution 1: Bring your own food to work

If you know ahead of time that that your days are always busy, then take some time when you are off work to plan your meals for the week. This is the best way to take control of your eating.

Search for a few ideas online, then make a shopping list. Choose simple nutritious foods that are easy to prepare. Try to include lots of vegetables. Prepare your meals the night before. If you are really pressed for time, then another option is to take left overs from dinner for lunch the next day. Also invest in a lunch box so you can take both hot and cold food.


Solution 2: Eat a good breakfast

Having a good breakfast sets you up for the day ahead. Try to go for some form of wholegrain such as oats, to keep your energy levels up throughout the morning day.


Solution 3: Keep healthy snacks

Be sure to include some healthy snacks that you can eat on the go, to boost your energy levels between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner. Fruits and mixed nuts are a great example. If you are really pressed for time then consider taking some form of health shake that you can mix with water to drink.


Solution 4: Drink plenty of fluids

As you work you are losing water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to a loss of performance, so to keep you hydrated, it is important to drink lots of fluids.

A good idea is to carry a few bottles of water, or a flask is also a good idea as you can keep cold drinks in it in the summer and hot ones in the winter.


Eating well does not have to be difficult, even for busy tradesmen. The benefit of doing so means that you will have more energy and so you can be more productive at work. By getting prepared ahead of time you can find a way to eat healthy without disrupting your workday.



How Can Tradesmen Keep Their Tools Safer?

Tool theft in the UK has been on the increase in the last year, with a value of approximately £30,000,000 in equipment stolen. Thieves have become more sophisticated, stealing anything from a few tools to a whole van. Many of the tools are usually stolen from construction sites, equipment lock ups and tradesmen’s vans.

Apart form trade skills and experience, tools are one of the most important asset a tradesman owns. To begin with they cost a lot to buy, and without them a tradesman can’t earn any income. Replacing them can be very expensive so keeping them safe is a must. Even if you are in a position financially to replace stolen tools, the time taken to do so is inconvenient and may result in loss of income. So here are a few ideas to help protect your tools from theft.



Most of the time your tools will be in your van, so the first step is to make your van secure. You can increase your vans security by investing in additional safety locks to make it harder for potential thieves – these can range from deadlocks to slam-locks to plate locks.

It also goes without saying that the van should be fitted with an immobiliser if it does not come with one installed. Make sure you have a fully functional alarm installed, preferably one that is wireless, and remember to install a small CCTV camera in the van to keep watch.


On Site:

When you are on-site, try to make sure that you keep your van parked in a busy area. Only take out the tools you need for a particular task, keeping the rest of your tools in your van. If you have to store tools on site, make sure they are kept in a secure toolbox and placed in a safe designated place.


At Home:

Don’t leave your tools in your van overnight, because they will be vulnerable. Try to take them out when you arrive home and put them in a secure place till you need them. If you have to leave them in the van overnight, then make sure they are locked up in a secure tool storage box and kept out of sight.

Place a warning sticker on the van to deter potential thieves that says “no tools stored in van overnight”. You can also cover all the van windows so no one can see what’s inside the van. Be sure to check that all your van doors and windows are locked before you leave it, and try to keep it parked in a secured garage overnight. If that’s not possible, then make sure it is parked in a well lit busy area.


Other Ways To Protect Your Tools & Equipment From Tool Theft:

There are a few other things that can be done to protect your tools and equipment. First of all, mark all your tools with a UV pen or have them engraved. This can help in two ways, by serving as a deterrent, and by helping to identify any tools. Another way is to put a list of all your tools on a national valuables and property register, and also mark them as registered.

Finally take out motor insurance to cover your van, and tool insurance to cover your tools. Get to know the terms of your policies, so that you know you are storing your van and tools in line with what is expected. Keep an inventory list of all your tools including photos, and receipts, in case you need to make a claim.


By becoming a bit more proactive, you can take steps to reduce the chances of your equipment getting stolen. Many of thefts are opportunistic, in that they tend to go for the easy targets, so any thing you can do to make your tools less attractive to thieves will help keep them safer.



9 Steps For Starting Up A Bricklaying Business

Running your own bricklaying business will provide you the opportunity to be your own boss and set your own hours, but there are a few things you’ll need to get your business on the right track to success from the start.

Here are 9 steps to help you launch your business:


Step 1: Create a business plan

Writing a business plan will help you determine your business goals and the resources you need in order to meet those goals. The process of writing a plan will also give you a chance to see if your idea is feasible or not. Your plan will act as a working document for your business, as well as a tool for getting any required finance.

Step 2: Get the right training and qualifications

Once you decide that your idea is feasible, the next step is to get qualified. If you have no formal training in the construction industry, then you should consider taking one of the many accredited bricklaying courses that are available. It would also be a good idea to find some kind of temporary or part-time bricklaying work so as to practice your skills. If on the other hand you have experience in the industry, then put together a list of your current skills/experience and determine what additional training and qualifications you need to get.

Step 3: Get the necessary finance

With your business plan written, you can now begin the process of looking for money to fund your start-up. Check to see if there are any available government funded schemes that offer financial assistance to your industry. It is also worth approaching your bank and the many alternative lending providers including crowd funders.

Step 4: Find a suitable business location

You now have to decide where you will operate your business from. With a bricklaying business you will need a suitable place, because you will have equipment and materials to store. You may choose to work from home to begin with, in which case you should set-up a designated area for that. However if you decide that you want to work from away from your home, it is best to look for a location that is easily accessible, so that potential customers will be able to reach you.

Step 5: Register your business

Now it is time to decide whether to operate as a sole trader or a limited company. Both have their pro’s and con’s. It is easier to set up as a sole trader, but a limited liability company will offer more legal protection. If you decide to incorporate, then you have to choose a name and register it with Companies House so no one else can use that name. Regardless of which structure you choose, you have to notify HMRC of your decision, so you can apply for the necessary tax/ national insurance documents before you begin.

Step 6: Get equipped

It is time to equip your business with any tools you need to perform your bricklaying tasks. This will also involve choosing a vehicle to transport you and your kit. Depending on your finances you may decide to buy these items outright or to lease them until your business grows. If you already have equipment, then this is the time to get them cleaned and serviced.

Step 7: Apply for licenses and permits

You need to contact your local council in order to find out what licenses and permits are legally required for you to operate as a bricklayer. This is also a great time to join any relevant trade associations.

Step 8: Get Insured

This is one of the most important steps that you must complete. In bricklaying as in many construction related jobs, accidents can and will happen. Therefore it is essential that you protect yourself, and your business from any legal action that may follow. To begin with you would need some type of public liability insurance coverage, this is is great for things like customer and staff injuries as well as any mistakes or damage to your customers properties. Then you need some form of coverage for your all equipment including vehicles if you have them to protect them for loss, damage or theft. Finally you may want to consider some form of income protection so you are covered in times when you are unable to work due to personal illness or other unforeseen events.

Step 9: Promote your business

Once you are financially and legally ready to start operations, you focus should now be on getting customers. A great way to do so is by having an online presence via a company website. This will make it easy for potential customers to find out about your business and the services you offer. Couple this with the many social media channels and you can reach a large audience of potential customers quickly. Offline you can take out ads in local papers and business directories. It is also worth networking with other tradesmen, to find out if there is any work you can do together.

Once you have completed all these steps, you will be ready to launch you new bricklaying business, knowing that you are adequately prepared for the journey ahead.



Making The Switch From A Sole Trader To A Limited Company

You can choose to change your businesses status from sole trader to limited company at any time. Both formats have their pros and cons, the best choice will depend on a combination of your current situation and future plans. However there may be an optimal time to make the switch and that is when the benefits of being a limited company outweigh those of begin a sole trader.

So when might this be? Well here are a few possible situations in which it might be the right time to make the switch, but it is important to make sure you calculate the potential benefits and savings first before making the switch.

You may decide its time to make the switch if:

Your salary is increasing:

As a sole trader you have only one way to take your salary, and that is as a salary, plus you must pay both income tax and national insurance contributions on it. A company director on the other hand can choose to take their wages by a combination of salary and dividends. Dividends are free from national insurance contributions. So as a company director you can reduce your taxes by taking a small salary and the rest from dividends, making it a more tax efficient way.

You are looking for investment:

If you are looking for investors, then setting up as a limited company means that you can sell shares to investors. Also there is the added perception that a company has more credibility than an individual, and so many companies prefer only to do business with a limited company. Due to this, potential investors are likely to be more open to investing in a limited company as opposed to a sole trader.

You are concerned about liability protection:

As a sole trader you and your business are considered one and its debts are yours, so if your company fails then you are liable for it’s debts. A limited company on the other hand is legally a separate entity from its owners, and so if your company is fails then your personal assets are not at risk, because as a share holder you are not liable for its debts.

Your company profits start to grow:

When you are trading as a sole trader, you are taxed via the annual self assessment system and you and your business are considered one entity. A company, however is taxed via the corporation tax system. There are some potential tax savings that can be made by switching to a limited company.

For example, for the 2016 -2017 tax year, as a sole trader your tax free allowance is £11,000, you the pay 20% tax on any amount between £11000 and £43,000, after which you are taxed a higher rate of 40%. However for a limited company, the annual small profits tax rate is currently 20% on any amount up to £300,000. So switching to a limited company may be more tax efficient because even though it is taxed at the same tax rate, it has a much higher maximum amount.

You want to protect your intellectual property:

By registering your company name with companies house, you prevent any other person or business from using the name, it is now protected by law. However as a sole trader you don’t have this protection, and so it can be a lot harder to protect your name.

So there are some scenarios in which you might consider changing from a sole trader to a limited company, because to do so will result in some form of savings and other tangible benefits. If you do make the decision to switch, you then need to notify the HMRC that you are becoming a limited company, and then de-register as self employed. From there it is a simple process of registering your business with Companies House and then you can start trading as a limited company.




How To Hire Your First Member Of Staff


Hiring your first employee should be exciting, because it means your idea is succeeding. The additional staff will allow your business to cope with increase in workload as it grows. However it is important that you only take on employees once your business has the cash-flow to support the additional expense or it might cause financial problems for the business. The hiring process must be done carefully in order to make sure you are comply with the legal responsibilities that come with taking on staff.

Once you have decided that you are ready to take on staff, then there are a series of questions that need to be answered before you can begin the process. You need to identify ahead what type of person you are looking for both in-terms of skills, experience and personality, so you hire someone that fits your businesses culture and values.

Decide how much can you afford to pay them, they must be paid at least the national minimum wage. Next you have to decide whether you are going to hire a full time, part time or contract staff. Each has their pluses and minuses, but the decision will ultimately depend on your business plan.

Recruitment Agency, or Do-It-Yourself:

To find the your first employee, you have the choice between using a recruitment agency, which you will have to pay for, or doing it yourself. As it is your first employee it can be a good idea to use an agency because they have experience with all the legal and financial aspects of finding and employing staff.

If however you can’t afford an agency and you have to do it yourself there are a few things you can do. First you need to create an attractive job advert, then you can use a combination of social media, the job centre and free job boards to get the word out.

Background Checks & Contracts:

Next comes the process of going through all the applications in order to find candidates to call for interviews. Make sure they can legally work in the UK, and be sure to get references. Also conduct any other background checks that may be necessary such as DBS (The Disclosure and Barring Service).

After selecting the right person for the job, there are a few other things that need to be done before they can start. You need to give your employee a written statement of employment and an employment contract detailing things such as their responsibilities, salary and holiday entitlements.

You can hire a lawyer to draw up the employment contract and the statement of employment.

Protecting Your Business & Staff:

It’s then time to sign up for employers liability insurance to protect your staff from injury or illness, and to protect your business from any employee claims. Register with HMRC as an employer and enrol your new member of staff into a workplace pension scheme. As an employer you must also comply with all the necessary health and safety regulations so that the working environment is safe.


Once the hiring process is done and your new team member has begun, then it is a good idea to hire a bookkeeper or accountant to handle your payroll duties. They will ensure that all the paper work is completed in the proper way and on time.

Training & Skill development:

Now your new member of staff is can start work. It is important to keep staff happy as they are your most important asset, make sure the working atmosphere is happy and stress free. Invest in continued training and skill development, and be sure to include regular performance assessments as well as reviews of salary and employment terms.

Strive to have the best employee/employer relationship you can, with trust and plenty of open dialogue. Treat your staff with respect, make them feel a valued part of a team and they will reward you with loyalty and productivity.



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