
Creative Ways To Market Your Services As A Tradesman


Once you have the necessary qualifications and experience to become a self employed tradesman, the next step is to get the word out. OK that said, here are some strategies that should give you maximum bang for your money.


Traditional Marketing Strategies

  1. Promotional Materials:

    Even though this strategy is not new, it can still be used as part of a portfolio of strategies. You can have branded stationary such as business cards, pens, or notepads, printed and handed out to prospective customers by hand. Combined with this you can have leaflets printed to be distributed by direct mail.

    Another tried and tested method is that of taking out adverts in local newspapers, local directories or listings. This will also allow you to target a particular catchment area at a time.

  1. Joint Ventures:

    Teaming up with other trades people that offer complimentary but different services can be mutually beneficial. It will allow you to access their customer base, providing them services that they can’t get from their existing trades person. In turn they will have access to your customer base. This way you don’t compete with each other, instead you cooperate to offer a wider range of trades services which will benefit both your customer bases.

  1. Word of Mouth:

    It is often said that the best form of advertising is word of mouth. With this in mind you can make use of your existing customer base to get referrals from them. This can be done by offering them either a discount or a small gift for recommending you to their friends or family.


Online Marketing Strategies

  1. Website:

    Currently most people look for products or services using the internet. So it is essential that you have a website that showcases your business and the services it offers. It does not have to an expensive custom designed site, it can be a simple do it yourself one. The main thing is to have an internet presence that is informative and well maintained. This will give prospective customers a feel for the sort of work you do. If you have the time you could add a blog that gives them relevant tips and news about your industry.

  1. Social Media:

    Having a presence on social media sites is also a must. You can do this by joining the likes of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These sites will allow you to get your business noticed by large numbers of people. By providing regular content that you either create yourself, or have created on your behalf, you can engage potential and existing customers and in so doing create a community around your brand. It is this ability to communicate directly with your target market that makes social media so powerful for businesses.


Marketing yourself as a tradesman doesn’t have to be challenging. You can do this by combining traditional marketing techniques with new online marketing techniques, and it need not cost a lot. The key is to choose a few strategies and apply them consistently.



Suggestions For Landscapers And Gardeners to Keep Busy During The Winter Months

There are few things that can be as challenging to a landscaper or gardener as the winter months. Work is totally dependent on the weather conditions, and there is also the problem of less day light hours within which to work. However even with these limitations, many gardeners and landscapers are still able to run their business successfully during the winter season.

Here are some useful tips for getting through the winter months.


Suggest Potential Work to Existing Customers:

There are still plenty of jobs that can and should be done during the winter months, so it is worth identifying winter tasks and discussing these with your clients during the summer months. The winter is a great time to tackle well stocked gardens that are overgrown. Trees, shrubs and hedges can be pruned as the frozen ground can make it easier to get equipment to the trees without destroying the turf.

You can offer to remove garden waste, and carry out structural work such as repairing / put up fencing or laying patios. If the weather is really bad then you could take up snow ploughing to clear drive ways and paths. Lawns still need to be mowed so the grass doesn’t get too long as it may cause snow mould when there is heavy snowfall.

This is a great time to test the soil and repair any lawn that has been worn out during the summer months. Fallen leaves need to be cleared to reduce disease and moss growth. Trees and shrubs in particular fruit trees are best pruned when they are dormant to remove any dead material. Also vulnerable plants will need to be protected or moved into a green house so as to avoid the heavy frosts.

Brush Up on Skills:

This can be a great time to update your qualifications. Taking courses will enable you to add new skills, which you may use in the summer months to get additional work. So look for specific courses that will compliment your existing skills and services, or courses that will open up new areas of opportunity and improve your knowledge base. It is also a great time to attend industry shows to keep up to date on the latest trends in your industry.

Take Time Off:

The winter season can also be the best time to take your annual holiday. You can use that time to rest or you can use that time to do your planning for the year ahead. This time can be spent on organising your business with tasks such as budgeting & bookkeeping, or updating your marketing documents and website. You can use the time to maintain any equipment that may have stopped working during the season. Supplies that are needed for the next season can be ordered so they will be with you in time for the next season.

Do Something Else:

There is also the option of getting involved in other parts of the horticultural industry, such as buying and selling Christmas trees, delivering logs for wood burners and fireplaces. If you are are good at making things, you could have a go at making garden ornaments or bird houses for sale online.

If none of these are suitable and you have other skills, then taking temporary work in a related field such as being a handyman may be the best solution.


So while it can be the most challenging time for gardeners and landscapers, the winter months can also provide opportunity for those who are prepared to be innovative and flexible.





Becoming a self-employed beauty therapist

Everyone dreams of being able to work when they want and have flexible working hours and if you become a self-employed mobile beauty therapist you will be able to do this! As a job it is rewarding because you are helping people to look their best so what more could you wish for? In a previous blog we gave 4 tips for self-employed hair and beauty therapists and now we will tell you all you need to know about how to become self-employed. Continue reading “Becoming a self-employed beauty therapist”

Choosing a Business Model for your Salon

If you’ve worked your way up in the beauty industry then you’ve probably come across a number of different business models which have their own pros and cons. During this time you probably also planned exactly what you’d do with your salon when you were finally able to set up your own!

When starting up your own salon one of the most crucial decisions you can make is whether you’re going to employ staff on your books or rent out salon space to self-employed beauticians and hairdressers.

If you’re unable to decide which way to go, here are a few questions to ask yourself about running your salon, either with employees or with self-employed staff. Continue reading “Choosing a Business Model for your Salon”

4 Tips for Self-Employed Hair and Beauty Therapists

There are many hairdressers, beauticians and nail technicians that instead of working in a salon choose to be self-employed. Being a self-employed hair and beauty therapist has a number of benefits, such as being able to choose your own schedule, pricings, and customers. However, there are also some downsides, including the fact that you have to work even harder to build up your reputation and you may be limited by the amount of treatments you can offer your clients. So here we look at four tips for self-employed hair and beauty therapists to help them improve their businesses: Continue reading “4 Tips for Self-Employed Hair and Beauty Therapists”

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