
How Tradesmen Can Keep Safe and Warm During Winter


Now that we have said goodbye to autumn and winter has started. The days can be bitterly cold and windy, with an added problem of rain, snow or ice. Working outside during winter is extremely challenging, so it is important to put measures in place that will ensure you stay safe and warm during this period. This way you can continue to be productive at work despite the many challenges that winter weather brings.

Here are 3 tips to help you stay safe and warm during the winter months:


Invest In Some Specialist Winter Work Wear

To avoid conditions such as frostbite or hypothermia, it is essential that you invest in some specialist winter work wear. The best option to keep warm is to go for 3 loose-fitting layers rather than one or two bulky items. The loose layers help retain heat better and if you get too hot, you can take off some layers to stay comfortable. Your clothes should be both waterproof and thermal, for the first layer try to find fabric that wicks away sweat from your skin and dries quickly, avoid fabrics like cotton and look for wool or synthetic based clothing instead.

Good old fashion long Johns can be a tradesman’s best friend in the winter, so invest in some. Proper gloves are very important as you will often be handling very cold equipment and materials, such as metal. Your gloves should be light enough to allow you to work, but should still offer excellent protection from the elements. About 30- 50% of body heat is lost via the head, so don’t forget your hat. Find a thermal liner for your hard hat, including a balaclava and scarf for your face and neck.

The weather can lead to some hazardous conditions on site, making it easier to slip and fall. Having the right footwear for winter weather can go a long way in preventing such accidents, so too will a bit of extra care when walking around on site.


Eat A Healthy Diet

More than ever it is important to eat a healthy diet, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables during the winter months, so as to provide you with the nutrients your body needs to boost your immune system and so protect you from catching a cold or worse, the flu. Make sure to invest in a Thermos flask, so you can always have a hot slightly sweet drink with you such as tea or hot chocolate to warm up your system. It is important to stay hydrated as the cold weather can dehydrate you quickly, so too can alcohol and caffeine.


Take Frequent Breaks From Working Outside

Take frequent breaks from working outside to go indoors so you can warm up and dry off. Learn to be vigilant for the signs of hypothermia, such as uncontrollable shivering and slurred speech, and if you or any of your colleagues have these symptoms, get help immediately. If at all possible, try to do outdoor work during the day when it is light, and indoor work in the mornings and evenings when there isn’t much light outdoors.

Since there is little you can do to control the weather, if you have to work outdoors in winter, the only option is to be adequately prepared.


By following a few simple steps, you can stay safe and warm while on site throughout the winter period. On days when the weather is really bad, just take a break, it is better to be safe than sorry. Use the time to work on other areas of your business, such as your marketing, finance or any administrative tasks you have been putting off doing.



Suggestions For Landscapers And Gardeners to Keep Busy During The Winter Months

There are few things that can be as challenging to a landscaper or gardener as the winter months. Work is totally dependent on the weather conditions, and there is also the problem of less day light hours within which to work. However even with these limitations, many gardeners and landscapers are still able to run their business successfully during the winter season.

Here are some useful tips for getting through the winter months.


Suggest Potential Work to Existing Customers:

There are still plenty of jobs that can and should be done during the winter months, so it is worth identifying winter tasks and discussing these with your clients during the summer months. The winter is a great time to tackle well stocked gardens that are overgrown. Trees, shrubs and hedges can be pruned as the frozen ground can make it easier to get equipment to the trees without destroying the turf.

You can offer to remove garden waste, and carry out structural work such as repairing / put up fencing or laying patios. If the weather is really bad then you could take up snow ploughing to clear drive ways and paths. Lawns still need to be mowed so the grass doesn’t get too long as it may cause snow mould when there is heavy snowfall.

This is a great time to test the soil and repair any lawn that has been worn out during the summer months. Fallen leaves need to be cleared to reduce disease and moss growth. Trees and shrubs in particular fruit trees are best pruned when they are dormant to remove any dead material. Also vulnerable plants will need to be protected or moved into a green house so as to avoid the heavy frosts.

Brush Up on Skills:

This can be a great time to update your qualifications. Taking courses will enable you to add new skills, which you may use in the summer months to get additional work. So look for specific courses that will compliment your existing skills and services, or courses that will open up new areas of opportunity and improve your knowledge base. It is also a great time to attend industry shows to keep up to date on the latest trends in your industry.

Take Time Off:

The winter season can also be the best time to take your annual holiday. You can use that time to rest or you can use that time to do your planning for the year ahead. This time can be spent on organising your business with tasks such as budgeting & bookkeeping, or updating your marketing documents and website. You can use the time to maintain any equipment that may have stopped working during the season. Supplies that are needed for the next season can be ordered so they will be with you in time for the next season.

Do Something Else:

There is also the option of getting involved in other parts of the horticultural industry, such as buying and selling Christmas trees, delivering logs for wood burners and fireplaces. If you are are good at making things, you could have a go at making garden ornaments or bird houses for sale online.

If none of these are suitable and you have other skills, then taking temporary work in a related field such as being a handyman may be the best solution.


So while it can be the most challenging time for gardeners and landscapers, the winter months can also provide opportunity for those who are prepared to be innovative and flexible.





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