
Why does car insurance go up?

Your car insurance premium is not an arbitrary figure – the amount you pay to insure your car depends on various factors. So, if you are about to renew your car insurance, what could be the reasons for your car insurance going up? Let’s take a look!

Assessment of your risk factors.

When calculating your new car insurance premium for the coming year, your insurance company will assess your risk factors. You will be asked to inform them if anything has changed in the past year. This would include a change to where you live, where you park your vehicle, changes to your vehicle and how many miles you drive per annum. It is not a good idea not to disclose any changes as failure to mention them could result in your insurance company not paying out on a claim.

Were you involved in a car accident?

If you were involved in a car accident in the past year, your insurance premium will be likely to increase. A sad fact is that even if the accident wasn’t your fault, your premium will still likely go up. If you caused the accident, however, your increase will be even higher.

Drivers licence points.

Have you accumulated points on your drivers licence over the past year? If so, they may remain on your licence for a while and cause your car insurance premium to go up as they indicate that your driving style is risky.

Your job.

Insurance companies view certain jobs as being riskier than others. When you complete your profile with your insurance company, you will be asked to provide details of your occupation. Since some occupations are considered to be riskier than others (even if they don’t actually involve any driving), what you do for a living can affect your insurance premium.

Changes to your vehicle.

Thinking of sprucing up your older car with a new lick of paint? Or perhaps you want to lower its suspension or add a nifty, new spoiler? Sadly, any modifications to your car can mean an increase in insurance premium as your car would then be considered to be a greater target for car thieves. If you have made any modifications to your car recently, be sure to let your insurance company know so that they will pay your claim should your car
get stolen.

Insurance fraud.

Every year, countless individuals make fraudulent claims with their insurance providers. This includes fake claims and providing false information. Although the vast majority of insurers have sophisticated systems to help combat fraud, car insurance fraud is still a massive problem. Sadly, when there is an increase in insurance fraud, this pushes up premiums to compensate and everyone ends up paying more.

Criminal convictions.

If you have been convicted of a crime (regardless of its nature), you will need to inform your insurance company. Even if your conviction has nothing to do with driving, it is important that your insurer is informed so that they can determine the risk to them.

How To Keep Cool When Working Outdoors In Hot Weather This Summer

As spring turns to summer and the weather starts to get warmer, the chances of getting heat waves increases. The risk of having heat-related problems also increases, so if you are working outdoors it’s important to take extra care. The main threats you face are from the excessive heat and the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Working in hot weather can quickly lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, as well as heat stroke. Also, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause damage to your skin, eyes, and hair. The hot weather has the potential reduce your overall performance and productivity at work, and in some extreme cases, it can also affect your equipment.

Here are few simple things a tradesman can do to stay safe and cool when working outside in hot weather this summer:

1. Stay Hydrated:

As dehydration is one of the main risks associated with working outdoors in hot weather, you need to make sure you are taking on plenty of fluids. To stay hydrated, you need to drink plenty of extra water through the day to compensate for the extra water loss from sweating.

As much as possible, water should be chilled so it can help keep your body cool as well as quench your thirst. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink, because it is usually too late. The most effective way is to keep taking regular water breaks.


2. Wear The Right Clothing:

To begin with, you can protect your skin from the effects of the sun with a good sunscreen. Take care to apply lots of it before you start working outdoors.

Having the right clothing can go also go a long way to help beat the heat and keep you protected from the sun. Try to wear clothing that is light and allows plenty of ventilation for your body. However, make sure that it also provides the required level of safety from the usual workplace hazards.

Wearing a hat with a wide brim can also offer added protection for your face and neck. If your trade allows it, it’s a good idea to wear 100% UVA and UVB sunglasses to help protect your eyes from the suns rays.


3. Reschedule Your Day:

If at all possible the best thing to do to avoid any heat-related problems, is to schedule your day around the sun. You can do this by doing any of your outdoor work when it is cooler in the day, like the morning and late afternoons.

Try to work indoors or shaded areas when the sun is hottest, which is usually between 11:30 am and 3 pm. If you can’t rearrange your timetable and you must work in the heat during those times, try to cover the work area to provide shade. If that is not possible either, then make sure you take lots of frequent breaks in the shade.


Implementing these 3 simple strategies should keep you from overheating while you work in the sunshine. Remember that failure to plan for working in hot weather can lead to a host of heat-related problems. To reduce the chances of that happening, what you need is to work out ahead of time, the specific risks you may face while working outdoors. Then put together a series of steps to address them. You also need to educate yourself and any employees about the symptoms of heat-related problems, so you can recognise them before they become more severe.

It is often said that prevention is better than cure, so go ahead and put together a plan that will keep you safe and cool when working outside during the warmer summer months.



GDPR – What It Means For The Self-Employed, Sole Traders And Small Businesses

What Exactly Is The GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It is a new European-wide data protection law that is due to come into effect on the 25th of May 2018. It applies to all businesses in the UK, including the self-employed that are currently affected by the Data Protection Act of 1998.


If you are dealing with data from individuals from the European Union then it will apply to you as well. There are some exemptions for businesses with less than 250 employees. Since 1998 there have been so many technological changes, the amount of data we use has gone up exponentially, and continues to grow.


The new law came about to improve the existing Data Protection Act, making it relevant to current times so our data can be safer and we can have more control over it. It also aims to establish a unified set of data protection rules across the member states of European Union.


GDPR aims to protect individuals information, by making companies more responsible for how they handle the data they collect. This includes data about employees, clients, and suppliers as well. There are fines of up to £17 million or 4% of turnover (whichever is greater) for those who fail to comply with the new regulations.


Even though the UK is due to leave the European Union in 2019, UK businesses will still have to comply with the new laws from when they are implemented in May. It is widely believed that the GDPR law will become UK law after the transition period.


So What Steps Can You Take To Ensure That You Are Compliant?

If you are self-employed or run a small business, here are a few things you can do to get ready for GDPR:


1. Go to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website.

On the site, you can get an overview of what GDPR is an how it will affect you and your business going forward. Here is the link:


2. Put a system in place.

If you are self-employed, you are likely to be the point of contact for all GDPR activities, including compliance, monitoring and answering any related queries. Try to put a plan together that is based on the GDPR’s directives. Make sure to include a way to find out if your data has been compromised, so you can notify the relevant authorities within the required time span. You can reduce the chances of data breaches by having adequate data security measures in place, on and offline.


3. Get any necessary consent

One of the key requirements of the new law is that of consent. In certain situations, you are required to have clear and specific consent from individuals that shows that they are ok with how you intend to handle their data.


With about a month to go before the new law comes into place, it makes sense to go through the process of making sure your business is compliant now. Many of the laws from the GDPR are similar to the current Data Protection Act, so there is a good chance you are already following some of the processes, but there might be a few changes that you will need to make so as to be fully compliant.

If you are not already managing your data according to the Data Protection Act 1998 standards then it may be a good idea to seek professional advice from an expert who knows about GDPR, to help you get compliant before the deadline.


Tips To Become More Productive When You’re Self Employed


If you are self-employed being more productive has many benefits to offer. To begin with, you will be able to get more done at the same time, with the same resources and in some cases fewer resources. So let’s have a look at what productivity is and some of the ways you can become more productive when you work for your self.


What Is Productivity?

It is a measure of how efficient a person is at getting work done within a given period of time.

Usually, it refers to the amount of work produced per hour or per member of staff in a given time period. For the majority of businesses, productivity is usually measured either by profits generated or by some combination of tasks completed and time spent.


What Things Cause It To Fall?

Some of the causes of low productivity are distractions such as emails, using social media and phone calls. Another one is not being organised, or having a system for keeping things in order. Finally, multi-tasking has been shown to cause mental blocks due to the constant changing of tasks. It is better to concentrate on one thing at a time till it is completed, before moving on to the next task.


What Can You Do To Improve It?

It can be improved by making use of technology:

Tech can be used to do the heavy lifting so that you are free to concentrate on important tasks. It can help you automate your day to day admin such as handling emails, letters, and phone calls.

Also, important but time-consuming tasks such as bookkeeping and accounting can be sped up by using software. Your whole daily routine can also be optimised using software. There are lots of productivity tools available, that can help you become more productive.


It can be improved by taking care of yourself:

Getting plenty of sleep is a must. A good nights sleep helps you regenerate from the prior day and you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the challenges of the day ahead.

Eat a healthy balanced diet, gives your body the fuel it needs for the day and the raw materials it needs to keep your body healthy.

Don’t forget to get some regular exercise so as to help reduce the stresses of the day, and improve your general stress tolerance.

Try to take lots of small breaks. If you can, split your work day into 90-minute blocks, with small breaks in between them, as this has been shown to improve concentration.


It can be improved by setting daily goals:

Set aside a small amount of time at the beginning of the day to plan your day out and set some goals. Make a checklist of the things you have to do today in order of importance, and tackle the highest priority items first. At the end of the day check off what you have done. Make sure you concentrate only on the things on the checklist during the day, as this will keep you focused on your goals.


It can be improved by outsourcing:

Outsourcing tasks that take up a lot of time, or tasks you are not good at doing, will free up your time and reduce your stress levels. You can use this extra time to focus on more important areas of your business.

For someone who is self-employed, becoming more productive is a combination of doing more of the things that make you more productive, while at the same time doing less of those things that reduce your productivity.

By making a few changes to the way you work, it is possible to become more productive, and while they might seem strange at first, they can help you increase your productivity.


How YouTube Can Help Your Business

What is it?

YouTube is the worlds largest video sharing website. It was started in 2005 and is currently owned by Google. On the site, users can upload and share videos that they create. They can also comment on other users videos, as well as like their favourite videos. Users can also subscribe to any channels of their choice.


Here are some of the reason why more and more businesses are using YouTube:


  • It has lots and lots of traffic. There are currently over 1 billion users and it still continues growing year on year. YouTube is the second largest search engine, and the third most visited site online.

  • It is a truly global platform. Users span across the entire globe, YouTube is currently available in 88 countries and 76 languages.

  • It is a powerful video marketing tool. Having a channel on YouTube can help your website get better rankings in search engines.

  • It is 100% visual. Visual content is much easier to digest than written content and gets better responses.

  • It is easy to use and is free to upload videos.


How can it help?

Nowadays most businesses include digital marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy. One of the tactics used in digital marketing is content marketing. This is where YoutTube can help your business.


There are many ways you can use YouTube for your content marketing, here are a few of them:


  • Use it to help customers solve problems and keep them engaged. You can create tutorials and how to videos for customers.

  • Use it to showcase your businesses products or services. You can show your products or services, in action, and show any testimonials from satisfied customers.

  • Use it for promoting any future events or product launches. Use YouTube advertising coupled with video news releases to spread the word.

  • Use it to build your brands reputation and become an influencer in your chosen market. Having a branded channel with your business logo’s and images adds credibility.

  • Use it to build a community. You can interact with your target market, get to know your potential customers.

  • Use it to integrate it with your other social media channels. Most of the other channels can show YouTube videos on their sites.

  • Use it for conducting market research. With YouTube analytics, you can get an idea of who is watching your videos, where they are from and in what numbers

  • Use it to make some extra money. YouTube will pay you advertising commission once your views get to a certain level.


Depending on your time and budget, you can choose to make the YouTube videos yourself or to outsource it to someone else. However, regardless of the videos are made, try to be consistent with regular postings. To begin with, you can post a new video at least once a week. Then as you get the hang of it you can post as often as you feel necessary. Making the videos doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. Nowadays videos can be made with smartphones and then edited on a laptop or computer, no specialist equipment is required.


For any business, YouTube represents a fairly low-risk way of reaching your target market. Video marketing is one of the fastest growing forms of online advertising, with 80% of online content to be dominated by videos in the next 2 years. So don’t be afraid to give it a try, it could open your business up to a wider audience.



How Technology Can Increase Your Productivity as a Tradesman


By now most tradesmen will be familiar with the use of technology at home, but not as many take advantage of it at work. You can use your phone or tablet to automate routine tasks so as to save you valuable time and energy throughout your working day. By making full use of the technology available today, your work days can become more productive.

Here are some of the reasons why tradesmen should consider using technology at work:


It Can Save You Time:

You can use your phone to search for and buy any equipment or materials you need for a job, on the spot. The alternative would be to physically go shopping for the goods, which can take up valuable time. You can also make and take payments on the go, as well as create bids and estimates for new work in a short space of time.

Project management software can be used to help you plan and complete large jobs on time. On a smaller scale, a daily task manager and timer can help you stay focused on the most important tasks for the day.


It Can Save You Money:

With your phone or tablet you can use price comparison sites to get the best prices for purchases, as well as checking for any special deal or discount coupons.


It Can Bring In New Opportunities:

Having an online presence such as your own website can lead to more jobs for your business and increase awareness of your brand. Also, you can use social media channels to interact with your target market whenever you choose for free. In addition to that tradesmen can also use apps to find work.


It Can Help You Solve Problems:

If you run into a problem on site that requires you to seek advice, you can easily go online and check to see if others have had similar problems and what their solutions were. If that is not enough, you can reach out to experts in your field.

You don’t have to carry lots of paperwork, you can store any information such as plans drawing contracts, quotations in the cloud, and access them when you are on site. You can also check for equipment manuals and other relevant data you might need.


Manage Your Business:

Technology can be a great help in the daily running of your business. With smart phones, you can communicate with clients and colleagues on the go via email, or one of the many internet call services. Using accounting apps or software on your smart device, you can do your all your bookkeeping including your budgeting, as well as keeping track of your daily expenses, and calculating vat and taxes.

It is also easy to send estimates and invoices in a timely a professional manner. With your camera on your smart phone, you can take photos of work on site either as proof of progress or for your portfolio of work. You can also store ideas any that come to you throughout the day with voice recorders that can transcribe to notes.


The smart phone or tablet can be used as your digital personal assistant, simplifying your day to day tasks with the use of software and applications. Many of the apps required are free, and they can be downloaded, installed and put to use in minutes.

There are many ways you can use technology to make your job easier, so go ahead and choose a piece of software or an app, give it a try and enjoy the benefits. Remember to do some research into each software or application you plan to use, as well as staying safe online.



2 Easy Ways To Get More Referrals For Your Business


Referrals can be one of the best ways to grow a business without having to spend much. In some cases they won’t cost you anything at all. With this low cost source of potential revenue at their disposal, it’s a wonder as to why more businesses aren’t making use of referrals. It may be because many businesses feel uncomfortable asking for them, but the trick is knowing how and when to ask for referrals so that you don’t come across as being pushy or annoying.

Here are two easy ways to get more referrals for your business right away:


Existing Clients

You can start by asking for referrals only from your regular clients that are already happy with your service or product. You already have a source of referrals, and they are your existing customers. Treat your existing customers well, give them an experience they can’t forget, and they will talk about your business. There is nothing like happy customers advertising for your business. The word of mouth from a client to a friend or family member is a very effective marketing tool

By creating some kind of loyalty reward program you can stay in touch with your customers and be able to send them thank you and birthday/ Christmas/ gift cards or weekly discount vouchers. This way they become a part of your community, a relationship develops as you learn more about them and how to help them solve their problem, and they learn more about your business.

You can leverage technology to help with this. By using tools like social media or a blog you can continue to build that customer relationship by offering them free solutions and ideas to solve any related problems they might have.


New Clients

Make a habit of new asking customers for feedback and reviews on how your product or service has helped them, and keep score. Don’t be afraid to ask them what you need to do in order for them to consider telling someone else about your business.

When new customers buy from you can also send them a thank you email in which you could include a discount gift code. That’s to say you appreciate them for choosing your product or service from the variety of choices they had. You might also consider giving potential customers a free trial of your product or service so as to generate a potential referral.

When you ask your customers for referrals, make sure the process is quick and easy. You should show them how to do it and give them a choice as to how they would like to refer you. For example you can let them know they can also give testimonials as a form of review/referral.

The aim is to create a continuous funnel of customers going through your referral program at all times. Each customer may be at a different stage of their journey with your business, so the programme has to be customised to each customer depending on where they are.

Don’t be afraid to ask them what you need to do in order for them to consider telling someone else about your business. Make it a habit to ask customers for feedback and reviews on how your product or service has helped them, and don’t forget to keep score.


In summary in order to increase the number of referral your business gets, it may be worth setting up a formal referral program for both new and existing customers. This would also involve training all relevant staff so that they are aware of how to deal with referrals when they occur.



Top Tips For Dealing With Customer Complaints


In business having a customer complaint is a common experience, because you can’t please everybody all the time. Regardless of how hard you try, there will be mistakes or you may be faced with a customer who just likes to complain. Depending on how it is managed every customer complaint can end in one of two ways, you will either get an angry customer, or a happy customer. The aim is to minimise the number of complaints and to ensure that the same complaint does not keep happening repeatedly.

What is important is that companies acknowledge these complaints and make sure they are dealt with in a timely and effective manner. Failing to do so may result in a bad reputation for the business, as it shows the customer you don’t care. All businesses must place customer satisfaction first and develop a system for handling customer complaints, in order for long term success.

It is a good idea to set up an in house complaints procedure that can be quickly implemented anytime a complaint is received, and the staff dealing with customers should be properly trained. Make sure that proper records are kept of all customer complaints and their final solutions. Also, with social media becoming increasingly important for unhappy customers to voice their dissatisfaction, it is a good idea to monitor your social channels regularly so you can intervene quickly. Here are some useful tips for dealing with unhappy customers.

Handling The Complaint In A Neutral Way

The first step is to take the complaint in a neutral way. When people complain they are often emotionally charged up, so it is important to let them voice their complaint without responding emotionally. You must remain calm at all times even if the customer becomes angry. You may have a had a similar complaint before, but to the customer it is unique to them, so pay attention to them and listen to their problem in full. Try to place yourself in their shoes and empathise rather than becoming defensive. If the customer is blaming a particular member of staff, get them away from the customer, because it will be easier for the customer to calm down if they aren’t present. Make sure the appropriate staff member handles the complaint because customers hate being passed around from person to person.

Giving An Apology

The next step is to apologise. Once the customer has aired their complaint, you must give them a sincere apology regardless of your opinion on the matter, with no excuses. Let them know you understand what has happened and ask them what outcome they are seeking. Try to keep them informed as you tackle the issue, so they don’t feel ignored. All complaints regardless of how small, should be dealt with quickly as possible so the customer feels that they are a priority.

Resolving The Problem

The final step is to resolve the problem, this can come in many forms ranging from refunds to compensation. After resolving the issue it is a good idea to contact the customer at a later date to see if they were happy with the outcome.

Sometimes it is not possible to avoid customer complaints, but it is possible to prevent a disgruntled customer from spreading negative comments about your business, by handling the complaint properly.

By taking care of complaints effectively you can improve your company reputation while at the same time retaining your customers. Customers will know that if anything goes wrong with their order, you will take care of it. This will make your business stand out as a customer friendly one, which may in turn lead to referrals from happy customers.

For a business, complaints can provide a great opportunity to learn more about your customer, and to use that information to improve their customer experience. You also have the chance to turn the complaining customer into a loyal customer. Dealing with customer complaints can be challenging, and there will be times that nothing can be done to satisfy an unhappy customer.



Getting Started In The Window Cleaning Business

The window cleaning business is an attractive sector to consider when thinking of setting up a business. It is a popular micro business choice because it can be started and operated as a one person operation, which you can then grow as you get more business. The start up costs are relatively low, and so too are the overheads. There is usually a constant demand all year round for the service, which means there is the potential to earn a steady living throughout the year. Also there is also plenty of scope for growth, you can start as domestic cleaner and then move onto commercial accounts once you have developed your brand.

However you must make sure that you enjoy working outdoors as it can be tough when the weather is not very nice. You also need to be reasonably fit, as as the job requires a lot of physical activity. Once you decide it is suitable for you, then the first step is to do some market research to identify the areas of demand, the competition, and any gaps in the market that you could potentially fill.


Next you need to decide if you want to go it alone or join an existing franchise. If you decide to go it alone then you must choose whether to set up your business structure as a sole trader or limited company, as they both have pro’s and cons.

Having done your research and found an area to operate in, now comes the process of getting your business ready to operate. This means getting the necessary equipment, training and licenses. The federation of window cleaners and the British window cleaning association, run courses which should equip you with the necessary skills to begin your journey.


You could start with a bucket a squeegee and a ladder, but due to the risks associated with working from heights, it is better to invest in a window cleaning pole system that allows you to work safely from the ground without a ladder. Also you will need to have a vehicle to carry your equipment and travel to customers. The majority of the equipment you need can be leased to begin with so as to keep your start-up costs down, then as your business grows you can buy whatever equipment you feel is necessary.

Trade Associations 

After you have the necessary equipment, you should join the relevant trade associations and ensure that you comply with any current government regulations that apply to your industry. Then you must get the relevant insurance, especially public and employer liability insurance.


Next comes the process marketing your business in order to get your customers. A website can help promote your brand, so too can the use of the various social media channels. If you are targeting a particular area then it may be a good idea to take out adverts in the local papers, as well as to do a door to door leafleting campaign.

Decide how your customers will pay – will it be cash after the job, or on a monthly subscription where they pay up front for the month? Set your prices to include all your costs and a reasonable profit margin. It is best to compete on quality of service as opposed to just price, as word of mouth from satisfied customers will bring in more business.

Organising Your Rounds 

Once you are up and running, you need to organise your rounds. You must keep some form of customer diary and database to help you keep on top of things. You can use software specifically designed for the window cleaning business, or you can develop your own system using a simple spreadsheet program.

Make sure you prioritise you customer rounds based on the size of the job and the time it takes to get to the site, try not to book too much work for each day, and leave space in your day for unforeseen things. Remember to treat your customers well, and your window cleaning business should thrive.

Creative Ways To Market Your Services As A Tradesman


Once you have the necessary qualifications and experience to become a self employed tradesman, the next step is to get the word out. OK that said, here are some strategies that should give you maximum bang for your money.


Traditional Marketing Strategies

  1. Promotional Materials:

    Even though this strategy is not new, it can still be used as part of a portfolio of strategies. You can have branded stationary such as business cards, pens, or notepads, printed and handed out to prospective customers by hand. Combined with this you can have leaflets printed to be distributed by direct mail.

    Another tried and tested method is that of taking out adverts in local newspapers, local directories or listings. This will also allow you to target a particular catchment area at a time.

  1. Joint Ventures:

    Teaming up with other trades people that offer complimentary but different services can be mutually beneficial. It will allow you to access their customer base, providing them services that they can’t get from their existing trades person. In turn they will have access to your customer base. This way you don’t compete with each other, instead you cooperate to offer a wider range of trades services which will benefit both your customer bases.

  1. Word of Mouth:

    It is often said that the best form of advertising is word of mouth. With this in mind you can make use of your existing customer base to get referrals from them. This can be done by offering them either a discount or a small gift for recommending you to their friends or family.


Online Marketing Strategies

  1. Website:

    Currently most people look for products or services using the internet. So it is essential that you have a website that showcases your business and the services it offers. It does not have to an expensive custom designed site, it can be a simple do it yourself one. The main thing is to have an internet presence that is informative and well maintained. This will give prospective customers a feel for the sort of work you do. If you have the time you could add a blog that gives them relevant tips and news about your industry.

  1. Social Media:

    Having a presence on social media sites is also a must. You can do this by joining the likes of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These sites will allow you to get your business noticed by large numbers of people. By providing regular content that you either create yourself, or have created on your behalf, you can engage potential and existing customers and in so doing create a community around your brand. It is this ability to communicate directly with your target market that makes social media so powerful for businesses.


Marketing yourself as a tradesman doesn’t have to be challenging. You can do this by combining traditional marketing techniques with new online marketing techniques, and it need not cost a lot. The key is to choose a few strategies and apply them consistently.



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