How Nova Insurance can help during this difficult time

Hello [Name,fallback=there],

We understand these are uncertain and difficult times for many during this pandemic. The UK Government have offered several financial packages and stimulses for business, employees and the self-employed. These include banks offering mortgage holidays and interest-free overdraft facility.

If you are paying your Nova Insurance policy premium on a monthly basis then this is a loan provided to you by Nova Premium Finance. Unlike mortgages, this loan is for a relatively short-term, no more than 10 months, as it aligns with the duration of your insurance policy.

We have been looking at option(s) to offer payment holidays. Given the short-term nature of the loan and the necessity to keep the policy live and valid this is not possible. We continue to look at every option available but at this time any payments towards an insurance premium do need to be made.

If you do find yourself unable to make a payment we would encourage you to contact us to discuss payment to ensure contiuation of cover.

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Nova Insurance Customer Services
Call 0208 550 7788