Jan 2014
If you work in a salon you probably already know there are usually a million things going on at once which means there is always the potential for something to go wrong. Furthermore, regardless of whether you specialise in hairdressing or beauty treatments you have to deal with members of the public on a constant basis, and some are not as easy as others. So here we provide four handy tips to avoid a salon nightmare:
Make Safety a Priority
One of the best ways to avoid any issues in your salon is to keep safety at the forefront of your mind at all times. Not only will this keep your staff safe but also your customers and ultimately your business. In order to keep your salon safe the first thing you need to do is make sure you have sufficient security installed including alarms and CCTV. As salon equipment and products usually add up to thousands of pounds they are often targeted by thieves, so it is of the utmost importance you make sure they are protected.
Don’t forget it’s also important that you always adhere to Health and Safety regulations in your salon, otherwise if there is an accident you could be held responsible. Providing a safe working environment will give you and your staff peace of mind and reduce the likelihood of accidents happening and having to claim on your salon insurance.
Make each Treatment Personal
We’ve all heard horror stories of people who went into a beauty or hair salon only to come out looking like they have been tangoed or with bright pink hair. Naturally, this sort of thing doesn’t happen in most salons, however there is always the danger that one of your staff will give a customer a certain treatment that doesn’t suit them. For example, a customer could ask for a ‘brighter’ hair colour, yet what they consider brighter may not be the same as what one of your staff does.
This is why you should make sure that every member of your staff spends at least five to ten minutes talking to each client before starting any treatment. This way they can get a better understanding of what the client is trying to achieve and then be able to provide it. This will also help build up a relationship between your customers and staff meaning they are likely to return in the future.
Have House Rules and Stick to Them
The atmosphere of your hair or beauty salon will depend on the type of business you own and your desired clientele, and many salon owners spend a lot of time and effort making sure their businesses give off the right impression. In order to keep your salon this way you need to instil some house rules for both your staff and customers.
One of the main rules should concern the dress code for your staff, especially as how they look is an indication to customers of how good their skills are. Overly heavy make-up, messy hair or scruffy clothes should therefore be banned, and you should make sure there is a detailed list of what is appropriate for each member of staff to wear and what isn’t.
When it comes to customers your rules should focus on general behaviour, such as whether they are allowed to eat or drink in your salon, use their mobiles or bring their children in. Each salon is different when it comes to these decisions, however you should always remember that any rules you put in place should benefit your customers and give them a better experience, not put them off.
Learn to Deal with Conflicts
As salons are high pressure environments tempers can often flare and before you know it you have an argument on your hands. Whether it is between members of your staff or you and a customer you need to make sure you deal with the situation properly. If it is your staff members that are arguing you need to find out what caused the issue in the first place and see if you can solve it in order to prevent arguments in the future.
When it comes to angry clients the most important thing to remember is to keep calm at all times. Make sure you get all the information you need on why they are angry and then you can decide your plan of action. The worst thing you can do in this situation is make promises you can’t keep or reach a decision without all the information you need. Knowing how to handle customer complaints is essential for all salon owners, and will protect your salon’s reputation and your business.