Dec 2013
Christmas is one of the busiest times of the years for salon owners, and over the next few weeks most will be fully booked. However, after the inevitable rush there comes a time where you will close your doors so you and your staff can enjoy the festive period. Closing your shop is something you should consider extremely carefully however, otherwise it could be left vulnerable or you could lose out on potential customers. This is why Nova Insurance looks at four things to consider before closing your salon for Christmas:
Pick your Closing Times Carefully
Generally, most salons are closed on the bank holidays over Christmas including Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, however the other days you choose to close is down to your discretion. All salon owners need to find the right balance between keeping their businesses open in order to appeal to customers and not lose money by running the shop without there being enough demand. A good way to decide when to close is to use the time running up to Christmas to talk to your clients and see if they expect you to be open during the weekend over the Christmas period, or if they are waiting to see you again in the New Year. If you are a barber it may be an idea to be open on the 28th and 29th just in case people need a haircut the weekend before their New Year’s Eve parties!
Arrange Working Hours with Staff
Your staff will naturally have plans over the festive period with their family and friends, and even though you will be busy you need to take into account that each member of staff will want a certain amount of time off. When creating your rota the best thing to do is try and be as fair as possible, allowing each member of staff an afternoon or two off in the run up to Christmas. Unfortunately, weekends will more than likely have to be worked by everyone due to the fact that they will be extremely busy, but there are ways you can make this more bearable for your staff. Mince pies and small Christmas gifts are always a great way to cheer up your workforce and get everyone into the Christmas spirit!
Close Up with Care
When it comes to closing up your shop for Christmas you need to do so with the utmost care, as thefts often increase during the Christmas period where there are less people around to notice. Make sure that all equipment is carefully locked away, and if you are particularly worried move product displays to somewhere less visible. Don’t forget to also make sure that everything is turned off properly before you leave – a rogue hair straightener or other piece of heated equipment can quickly start a fire, meaning that you will have to spend your Christmas contacting your salon insurance provider instead of enjoying yourself!
Come Back with a Bang
The New Year is a great time to really give your business a boost and attract as many new customers as possible. Even though you will want to relax while your salon is closed, it’s a good idea to think of ways you can really make the most of your salon once you re-open. Luckily, after a few days rest and some festive fun your staff will probably be in good spirits once they return to work (unless they are a big sluggish from all the mince pies!) so you should make the most out of this opportunity. Don’t forget that your customers will probably be a little stretched after Christmas, so it’s also a good idea to offer some kind of deal in order to encourage them to visit.
Once you’ve closed your salon doors for Christmas you want to be able to relax and enjoy your time off, and if you plan ahead you will be able to not only keep your business safe but also prepare it for the future. Until then, have a Merry Christmas!